Module Excerpts 1
Module Excepts 2
Module Excerpts 3
  • Module Excerpts 1
  • Module Excepts 2
  • Module Excerpts 3

NCRQ Safety for Managers

Titel Englisch

NCRQ Safety for Managers


NCRQ Safety for Managers is a groundbreaking online-based qualification featuring world-class films and engaging e-learning activities to provide an unforgettable, immersive and perhaps life-changing learning experience. The qualification takes its learners on a journey through a number of real life case studies to discover the underlying management failures – and from this understand what can be done to prevent accidents and ill-health in their own workplace. Some of the case studies are illustrated with films, and others with images and diagrams. All of them have innovative and exceptional quality interactive activities to demonstrate concepts and check understanding.

Ziel und Zweck

This qualification is designed to change mindsets and establish a positive, effective and business-centred approach to health and safety. By focussing on a learner’s understanding and application, reinforced by hard-hitting but real-life incidents, the NCRQ approach ensures that health and safety becomes embedded in the consciousness of managers and supervisors providing sustainable improvements in the workforce for years to come.

It has been developed with senior inspectors and specialists at the UK's Health and Safety Executive to ensure that it meets the legal requirements for general management training. It also addresses many of the common failings of managers that actually lead to real accidents, rather than abstract concepts. During the Coronavirus pandemic, NCRQ have made this qualification free of charge to enrol and complete in order to support individuals working in isolation or facing uncertainty about their careers, and businesses who may now be faced with large proportions of their workforce working from home.


Managers and supervisors in every sector

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Steam Mill, United Kingdom-CH3 5AN Chester