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Voix d'espoir

Titel Englisch

Starting with hope



Voices of Hope is a transmedia project featuring testimonials from individuals who have overcome or are currently battling depression (podcasts, short animated films...). It aims to inspire and inform the public, as depression can affect people of any age group or social class.

Ziel und Zweck

Voices of Hope is a transmedia project featuring testimonials from individuals who have overcome or are currently battling depression (podcasts, animated films...). It aims to inspire and inform the public, as depression can affect people of any age group or social class. Voices of Hope is a heartfelt project, that takes shape and shines through personal stories of struggle with depression and the journey towards recovery. Depression can resemble a long dark tunnel, or an impenetrable night, but we believe that a glimmer of hope can pierce even the darkest darkness, that life after depression is possible and that it can give hope to many. Kèota Dengmanara, who witnessed people around her struggling with depression and receiving lifelong treatment from a young age, initiated this project and assembled a team to bring it to fruition.


Junge Beschäftigte, Kleine und mittlere Unternehmn (KMU), Vorgesetzte und Führungskräfte

Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers / der Produktionsfirma

1, impasse Bellonte, France-93420 Villepinte
0667273070 - 0033667273070