Stay Safe (Safety Starts With Me Competition 2016)

Título traducido al inglés

Stay Safe (Safety Starts With Me Competition 2016)

Película: Duración en minutos

2:08 minutos

Descripción del producto

This quirky video is set in a bpm video game environment where the protagonist, a construction worker, learns that taking care of his health and safety helps him to save the day.

Objetivos y metas

“I can prevent all injuries and be healthy at work.” The theme aims to inculcate a mindset that all injuries and ill-health at work are preventable. It drives a focus on finding solutions to prevent injuries and ill-health. This is crucial to improve the quality of our lives.

This video was submitted for the Safety Starts With Me Compeititon organised by Workplace Safety and Health Council.

Público objetivo

Supervisors, workers and members of public

National WSH Campaign

Premios recibidos

Safety Starts With Me Competition

Datos de contacto del editor

Workplace Safety and Health Council
Bendemeer Road1500 - MOM Services Centre , Singapore-339946 Singapore

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

Depot Road, #10-316104A - n.a. , Singapore-101104 Singapore