Leading with care

Título traducido al inglés

Leading with care

Película: Duración en minutos

3:48 minutos

Descripción del producto

The work we do means we face health, safety and environmental risks every day. Our safety performance is world-class; however our people and contractors are still getting hurt. This needs to change.

The animation is part of our efforts to shift the way we view safety:

  • improving our systems by drawing on the experience of colleagues who do the work
  • moving from why people get things wrong, to learning from why people get things right
  • focusing our attention on risks that can do most harm

Objetivos y metas

We have designed and delivered Leading with care workshops to our leadership teams (around 100 people), from which we have received fantastic feedback confirming our strategic direction:

“This was the best HSE workshop I have had so far in my ABB career. The content and tone of the workshop combined
with the interactions really supported reflection and learning in a positive spirit.”

“Thanks for the best HSE Workshop ever. It was so good with interaction and commitment!”

We have also, in the same spirit launched a new e-learning on safety observation tours, which support our managers in engaging frontline teams to learn from normal work in order to improve our processes.

Lastly, we will run Lead with care roadshows, where we will engage with local employees and leaders to drive this mindset shift.

Público destinatario

Supervisores y gerentes

Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora

Bruggerstrasse 72, Switzerland-5401 Baden
+41795355056 - +41795355056 https://global.abb/group/en