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Prevent accidents through behavioural observation and intervention

Título traducido al inglés


Película: Duración en minutos

2min50s minutos

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Descripción del producto

This video shares common scenarios in the Manufacturing sector and reminds us how Behavioural Observation and Intervention (BO&I) can be applied to help companies minimise the occurrence of hazardous situations by focusing on unsafe behaviours.

Objetivos y metas

This video shares common scenarios in the Manufacturing sector and reminds us how Behavioural Observation and Intervention (BO&I) can be applied to help companies minimise the occurrence of hazardous situations by focusing on unsafe behaviours.

Público objetivo

Trabajadores jóvenes

Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora

Workplace Safety and Health Council
1500 Bendemeer Road - 14-01 , Singapore-339946 Singapore
+6566924995 - +6596462265