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Título traducido al inglés

My duty compass

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Descripción del producto

The online tool is a low-threshold orientation and entry guide for the assessment of working conditions (risk assessment). Based on individual information about the company as well as the answers to questions concerning the situation of employees’ workplaces, entrepreneurs receive an evaluation of well-implemented occupational safety and health in addition to an analysis of deficiencies in the company, and are navigated anonymously and free of charge to obligations that are relevant for them.

Objetivos y metas

The aim is to make it easier for employers to get started with risk assessment through a playful approach to the topic of occupational safety and health protection, and an evaluation tailored to their own company – in order to increase the degree of implementation of risk assessment for small and medium-sized companies. The focus is on "office work", as the underestimation of hazards by customers is particularly high here.


Público destinatario

Pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), Supervisores y gerentes, Especialistas en SST

Datos de contacto del editor

Verwaltungs-Berufsgenossenschaft (VBG)
Massaquoipassage 1 - Ressort Prävention , Germany-22305 Hamburg
+49 40 5146-2151 - +49 (0) 151-44151302

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

Indeed Innovation GmbH
Schopenstehl 15, de-20095 Hamburg
+49 40 2846740-13+49 172-4342433