Everybody Makes a Difference

Titre traduit en anglais

Everybody Makes a Difference

Film: Durée en minutes

11 minutes

Description du produit

The essence of HSSE elements were explained through a child's perspective. A child whose father works in the port, relate his daily encounters in school to his Dad's HSSE experience at work. The objective of this video is to exemplify the HSSE elements through real life situations that touch the hearts and minds of our people. It serves to emphasize that everybody can make a difference towards our HSSE vision.

Objectif et finalité

Everybody can make a difference towards a healthy, safe, secure and sustainable environment.

The video is produced to raise HSSE awareness to all stakeholders working in PSA Singapore Terminals and set the focus to promote a generative culture.

Public cible

All stakeholders (employees, contractors, service providers, partners, hauliers community, ship chandlers, port users) working within PSA Singapore Terminals.

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

PSA Corporation Limited
Level 1 HarbourFront CentrePO Box 300 - Empire Complex , Singapore-099253 Singapore

Coordonnées de la société de production

PSA Corporation Limited
Level 1 HarbourFront CentrePO Box 300 - Empire Complex , Singapore-099253 Singapore