Film zur RAG-Arbeitsschutzkampagne “SICHERHEIT! Denk daran, bevor Du loslegst.”

Titre traduit en anglais

Film about the industrial safety campaign ‘SAFETY! Think about it before you get started‘ by RAG

Film: Durée en minutes

06.21 minutes

Description du produit

The film provides information on the development of accidents and the association book entries in the German coal industry. It shows the formation of the workplace safety campaign, started with photoshootings on the design of the action label and the publication of internal information (employee magazine, posters, flyers, intranet). Dialogue formats offered by the company in the context of the campaign are also addressed.

Objectif et finalité

Get to know RAG's health and safety campaign and participate!

With this film, RAG wants to inform its workforce about the company's workplace safety campaign. It is shown, among other things, the courses they provide and the continuing education programs. The crossmedial preparation is intended to motivate employees to participate actively in the campaign. With their participation they should seve as an example for other colleagues.

Public cible

All employees of RAG Aktiengesellschaft


SICHERHEIT! Denk daran, bevor Du loslegst.

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

RAG Aktiengesellschaft
Shaentry_salutation21ockring 1 - ZV 2 Kommunikation und Nachhaltigkeit (CR) , Deutschland-44623 Herne

Coordonnées de la société de production

6tant | Agentur für Medien & Kommunikation GmbH & Co.KG
Bismarckstrasse 60, Deutschland-42115 Wuppertal