Passo a Passo

Titre traduit en anglais

Step by step

Film: Durée en minutes

14 minutes

Description du produit

The film is about the project "Safe school" in the SESI school of Minas Gerais and features three brothers, high school students of different ages and levels, learning about safety at school, environmental safety and occupational safety. Information about the importance of safety in all areas.

Objectif et finalité

The film is about the project "Safe school" in the SESI school of Minas Gerais and features three brothers, high school students of different ages and levels, learning about safety at school, environmental safety and occupational safety. Information about the importance of safety in all areas.

While children and young people are the workers of the future we recognise that occupational risks are not addressed at school. However, this project fills this gap and creates opportunities for students and teachers to experience the reality which awaits them. We believe that the most important prevention work is to sow the seed so they feel responsible for changing the current situation that shows high rates of occupational accidents and diseases.

Public cible

Students who prepare for entrance into the labour market.

Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production

Avenida Contorno 4456, Brazil-30110028 Belo Horizonte