Safe and Sound (WSH Song Writing Competition Promotional Video)

Titre traduit en anglais

Safe and Sound (WSH Song Writing Competition Promotional Video)

Film: Durée en minutes

2:39 minutes

Description du produit

Popular singer-songwriters Jack and Rai encourages Singapore to participate in the WSH Song Writing Competition, through their song "Safe and Sound".

Objectif et finalité

I can prevent all injuries and be healthy at work.

In 2015, the WSH Council launched the Vision Zero movement to get everyone to adopt a mindset that all injuries and ill health at work are preventable. Through this song writing competition, WSH Council hopes to engage everyone to come up with their own WSH song to take action to prevent injuries and ill health at work.

Public cible

Management, supervisors, workers and members of public

National Workplace Safety and Health Campaign

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Workplace Safety and Health Council
Bendemeer Road1500 - Ministry of Manpower Services Centre , Singapore-339946 Singapore

Coordonnées de la société de production

Grey GRoup
Magazine Road1 - Central Mall , Singapore-059567 Singapore