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Updating medicina del lavoro

Titre traduit en anglais

Updating occupational medicine

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Description du produit

Since December 2013 Updating medicina del lavoro ( has received more than 31.000 online visitors, published 57 articles and shared scientific materials (guidelines, IARC Press Releases, translations,...), information, news about Occupational Health, Safety and Prevention and about  Occupational Medicine (among other themes: cancer prevention; vaccines global policies and principles, promotion of good immunization practices online and in the local health services; health promotion; workplace injuries and  occupational diseases prevention; ...)

The online not-for-profit platform (ISSN 2499-7862), certified by the Code of Conduct HONcode for health online information (HONConduct149856), has established strong partnerships and participated in many Global Campaigns on Occupational Health topics with NOhep, StopTB Partnership, NCD-Alliance, CSEM UHC2020, National Association for those injured or disabled at work (ANMIL), Global Allaince to Eliminate Lead Paint, and many other members of civil society, ...

Updating Medicina del Lavoro participated at IARC Global Conference 50° Anniversary on June 2016 in Lyon; World Hepatitis Summit on November 2017 in São Paulo; United Nations High-Level Meetings on Tuberculosis and NCDs on September 2018 and on Universal Health Coverage on September 2019 in New York; and in the Health Working Groups at Civil7 in Rome on April 2017, Civil20 in Hamburg on June 2017, Civil20 2019 in Japan, Civil20 2020 in Saudi Arabia.

During the years Updating medicina del lavoro collaborated in, supported and suggested different events and activities promoted by the Post-graduate School in Occupational Medicine at University of Siena and  by the University Hospital of Siena (for example Occupational Physician Certifications Meeting in Siena, December 5th 2014;  Low Back Pain Conference in Siena, June 2rd 2015; Quality in Occupational Medicine Conference, October 9th 2017).

Objectif et finalité

Promoting an Open Access sharing and circulation of scientific information in Occupational Medicine with voluntary and free contributions. "Art and Science (official and certified) are free and free they should be to be taught to everybody..." [Article 33, Italian Constitution].

Hoping that Culture of Health can really reach everybody.

Since 2013 this Project actively support and Occupational Medicine Community in many ways carried on mainly by voluntary efforts of occupational physicians.

The main aims are: simplify the way of sharing certified official scientific information; support voluntary activities on Occupational Health; engage phisicians and promote cultural and professional developement;  transfer theorethical reflexions from everyday occupational physician activities in broader national and international discussions and meetings.  

Updating medicina del lavoro is based on a complete editorial freedom (without conficts of interest) and on opend access policy with voluntary contribution and provides a not-for-profit network for occupational physicians operating on local fieldworks (albeit not only) and support international fruitful discussions

The newborn Updating medicina del lavoro project participated at IMFP2020 for the XX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work in Frankfurt 2014 and after 7 years we are still here more confident and pride of our “life path” until now.

Public cible

Occupational physicians, Occupational health professionals, Medical doctors, Public

Prix gagnés


Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production

Updating medicina del lavoro
via Montluc 9 - , Italy-53100 Siena