Zero Harm Culture @ Siemens Infrastructure & Cities

Titre traduit en anglais

Zero Harm Culture @ Siemens Infrastructure & Cities

Film: Durée en minutes

02:17 minutes

Description du produit

In our everyday work life we face a variety of risks. Although we do a lot for the safety of our employees, there are still severe incidents in which people are injured or even die. As even one incident is one too many, we have to improve. Our goal is “Zero Incidents” – an ambitious goal which we can only reach, if everyone at Siemens will adjust his or her behavior. But a culture to promote “Zero Incidents” are is definitely achievable! The stories continues to explain why we have to change our current, rather rules-based culture and that this change lies within the responsibility of each one of us.

Objectif et finalité

Zero Harm Culture affects everyone in the enterprise - "it starts with you"

One aspect of a web-based training on occupational health and safety

Public cible

Internal - employees of Siemens AG

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Siemens Infrastructure & Cities
Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, Germany-81739 München

Coordonnées de la société de production

Ketchum Pleon GmbH
Theresienhöhe 12 - Gebäude A , Germany-80339 München