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'Working Safely at Heights' Online & VR Training Program

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'Working Safely at Heights' Online & VR Training Program

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Description du produit

icare and TAFE NSW developed a virtual reality training and learning experience on how to work safely at heights. Developed for construction apprentices to improve learning outcomes and instil positive changes in safety behaviours via the delivery of fully immersive VR training in conjunction with engaging online learning content. Combining engaging video and interactive content with the immersive and kinesthetic learning environment virtual reality, students were able to apply their new knowledge to simulated scenarios which highlighted the importance of recognising risks onsite and applying the correct knowledge and behaviours to ensure safe outcomes. The project was unique in that it combined social and emotional reflection activities and experiences with technical training, to link actions and decisions to short and longer-term consequences to influence changes in attitudes and behaviours.

Objectif et finalité

Of all construction accidents in Australia, falls from height is the leading cause of serious injuries and fatalities. This program's objectives included: To increase safety knowledge on how to work safely at heights. To increase apprentice safety work readiness. To increase the confidence of teachers using VR technology, training apprentices using VR technology, and support continuing VR training. Students who participated reported an 87% increase in safety knowledge and work ready confidence increased to 84% (up from 55%) after the VR training. Teachers are better prepared to deliver this unique type of training with 93% gaining increased confidence in using VR technology. We saw an increase in engagement across all VR participants with 48% indicting they felt that the virtual reality training was more engaging than traditional training.

Public cible

Jeunes travailleurs

Prix gagnés

2022 Australian Good Design Award Winner - Education Services

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

icare NSW
Level 15 321 Kent Street, Australia-2000 Sydney
+61 412 387 885

Coordonnées de la société de production

L-Block, Foleys Ln, au-2500 Wollongong
+61 4499 03808