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  • Entrées 2023
  • Campaña para prevenir las caídas de altura con consecuencias mortales en el sector de la construcción

Campaña para prevenir las caídas de altura con consecuencias mortales en el sector de la construcción

Titre traduit en anglais

Campaign to prevent fatal falls from height in the construction sector.

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Description du produit

In Spain, 198 people lost their lives in the construction sector during 2017-2019. The main cause of these accidents has been falls from height. The National Institute for Safety and Health at Work (INSST), committed to the objective of improving the prevention of work accidents, has carried out a campaign to prevent fatal falls from height in the construction sector. This campaign is part of the Shock Plan Against Fatal Work Accidents promoted by the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy and consists of three informative videos, infographics with key messages and a brochure, as well as three informative webinars.

Objectif et finalité

This campaign is one more action in the fight against fatal work accidents in the construction sector, whose main cause is falls from height. The aim is to raise awareness among the different figures involved in construction works about the safe use of the following temporary work equipment at height: ladders, scaffolding, mobile elevating personnel platforms (MEWP) and the use of collective and individual protection to carry out work at height.


Public cible

Jeunes travailleurs, Petites et moyennes entreprises (PME), Superviseurs et managers

Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production

Instituto Nacional de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo
Calle Torrelaguna Número 73, Spain-28027 Madrid
00 +34 91 363 43 32 https://www.insst.es/