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Plataforma virtual educativa CAPACITATE

Titel Englisch

CAPACITATE educational platform



Companies need to train their workers so that they can apply what they have learned without affecting productivity. For this purpose, the company R.S.O. S.A. creates the virtual educational platform CAPACITATE, with 24/7 availability, where you will find certifiable trainings that use art and games as a tool to facilitate learning and elaborated with the   methodology Participatory Integral Education of the company R.S.O. S.A. that generates integral reflection in the individual and transforms consciences. In this way, the company R.S.O. S.A. breaks with traditional patterns of virtual education.

Ziel und Zweck

Thanks to the 24 years of experience of Cia R.S.O.. S.A. in occupational safety and health (OSH) training, we know that effective worker training requires the use of innovative andragogical methods. In Colombia, we pioneered our leading service Prevencioso by breaking the patterns of traditional training, and today, with our CAPACITATE platform, we are breaking the patterns of virtual occupational safety and health training by reducing company sickness injury indicators and increasing our turnover tenfold by 2025.


Junge Beschäftigte, Kleine und mittlere Unternehmn (KMU), Vorgesetzte und Führungskräfte, Expert*innen für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit, Sonstiges (bitte angeben) : familia


Company selected to be featured in the Entrepreneurs in Action programme, as an example of resilience and creativity in pandemics, a competition designed by Señal Colombia, El Bosque Univerity and Innpulsa Colombia 2021 2022. Business innovation systems

Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers / der Produktionsfirma

Compañia R.S.O. S.A.
Calle 54 # 27 - 37 apto 1101 - Carrera 33 # 52 - 83 , Colombia-680003 Bucaramanga
+57 607 6577755 - +57 3188269884