Plan de Sensibilización en el Sector Pesquero "La Seguridad Salva Vidas"

Title translated into English

Awareness Plan for the Fishing Sector 'Safety saves lives'

Product submission URL (http:// or https://)

Product description

Website created for the awareness campaign "La Seguridad Salva Vidas", action included in the National Awareness Plan for OHS in the Fishing Sector. It comprises all materials that have been designed in order to improve crew's culture of prevention:

  • Brochures on risks and preventive measures for main fishing gears (purse seine fishing, trawl fishing, longline fishing and small-scale fisheries)
  • Stickers for fishing vessels, regarding sea safety at sea
  • Media contents: 2 videos, 10 gifs and 10 grafics for the campaign in Social Media.

In the aim to get to as much fishing workers as possible, brochures and stickers are downloadable in severeal lenguages: Spanish and Spain co-oficial lenguages and also in English, French and Arab. This website in also linked to a 3-week campaing in Social Media from April 19th to May 9th 2022, to reinforce prevention messages.

Aims and objectives

The main objective of the Awareness Plan and its campaign "La Seguridad Salva Vidas" is to increase awareness among people working in the fishing sector, about the importance of both Sea Safety and Health and Safety at Work, in order to reduce the extremely high figures of accidentatility shown in this sector. Aiming to get directly to the fishermen and fisherwoman themselves, the Awarenes Plan focus on distribution by hand of the brochures and stickers to the 38,000 workers in national ports, in cooperation with Spanish Regional Autorities (Comunidades Autónomas). This action was completed with a the website here submitted "La seguridad Salva Vidas" and a 3-week campaign in Social Media (Tweeter, YouTube and LinkedIn).

Target audience

Young workers, Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Supervisors and managers, OSH specialists

Awareness Campaing in Social Media

Contact details Editor / Production company

Instituto Nacional de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo - INSST
c/ Carabela la Niña 16, Spain-41007 Sevilla
+34954268319 - +34619821586