Be Safe! Be Sound! (WSH Song Writing Competition)

Title translated into English

Be Safe! Be Sound! (WSH Song Writing Competition)

Film: Duration in minutes

2:09 minutes

Product description

In this music video, the group sings about vision zero, preventing injuries and the campaign slogan "How You Work Is How You Live".

Aims and objectives

This song hopes that its catchy tune makes it fun and accessible for everyone in the workplace to think about workplace safety and health issues. The chorus is short, snappy and catchy with a repeated line that encapsulates the main idea: “Be Safe! Be Sound!”.

This song was written by Tan Kia Ming and friends for the WSH Songwriting Competition. It was awarded runner-up at the launch of the National WSH Campaign 2016.

Target audience


National WSH Campaign


WSH Song Writing Competition - Runner Up

Contact details Editor

Workplace Safety and Health Council
Bendemeer Road1500 - Ministry of Manpower Services Centre , Singapore-339946 Singapore

Contact details Production company

Cactus Drive12 - n.a. , Singapore-809688 Singapore