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Incident Investigation: Fuel Tanker Explodes, Fatally Injuring Worker

Title translated into English

Incident Investigation: Fuel Tanker Explodes, Fatally Injuring Worker

Film: Duration in minutes

9 minutes

Product submission URL (http:// or https://)

Product description

This animation recreates an incident at a workplace in British Columbia where a fuel transfer worker was fatally injured when gasoline vapours were ignited by a spark from static electricity. It depicts the events that led to the incident, and describes the underlying factors and unsafe practices, and how the lack of an effective health and safety program contributed to the incident.

Aims and objectives

The aim was to illustrate the importance of having effective bonding and grounding systems in place and the hazards of static electricity onboard fuel tankers, and to provide information on industry best practices for fuel tanker loading procedures. It also emphasizes the importance of adopting effective control measures such as engineering controls to reduce the risk.

Target audience

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Supervisors and managers, OSH specialists

Contact details Editor / Production company

6951 Westminster Hwy, Canada-V7C 1C6 Richmond