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PSA-Audit - Einfache Verwaltung von PSA-Artikeln und integrierte Sachkunde-Prüfung

Title translated into English

PSA-Audit - Easy management of PPE articles and integrated expertise testing

Product submission URL (http:// or https://)

Product description

PSA-Audit is a web application for the management of Personal Protective Equipment. The data can be stored in a structural way, and the system manages all relevant information like maximum durability or next audit date. It tracks the lifetime of a PPE article and can show all performed audits. The audit form is completely adaptable to the users needs, and can be filled by the auditor/inspector interactively. The software supports the PPE user / manager by given all needed information fast and with maximum ease. It also supports PPE inspectors by an interactive and easy to use audit form, where he can see the relevant data and the test result on one blick. Extra information like photos can be updated and the audit can be commented, so that all relevant data is captured.

PSA-Audit helps:

  • to keep the overview of the PPE
  • not to miss an audit
  • to show the complete history of a PPE
  • the inspector with individual audit forms

Aims and objectives

PSA-Audit makes the handling of your PPE articles a breeze!

PSA Audit arose from a great wish of the mountain rescue service in Winterberg (NRW, Germany): The handling of PPE articles should no longer be associated with workload, paperwork and comprehensive planning, but should from now on be conveniently integrated into everyday life.

Target audience

Security Officer, User of PPE

Contact details Editor / Production company

Georg Leber und Christoph Huppertz, CGH IT-Solutions GbR
Am Kaninsberg 20, Germany-52080 Aachen
+4924189438988 - +491714143003