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Tips para evitar el alcoholismo

Title translated into English

tips to avoid alcoholism

Product submission URL (http:// or https://)

Product description

With the presentation of the character "Timotea Beltran" of the company R.S.O. S.A., prevention tips for the control of alcoholism are taught.

Aims and objectives

To provide tips on preventing and combating alcoholism in a playful, entertaining and easy-to-understand way.

Target audience

Young workers, Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Supervisors and managers, OSH specialists, Other (please specify) : familia


The company R.S.O. S.A. has received the following awards: Innovators of Santander, Coomeva Award, Best Video Mapfre Foundation.

Contact details Editor / Production company

Compañia R.S.O. S.A.
Calle 54 # 27 - 37 apto 1101 - Carrera 33 # 52 - 83 , Colombia-680003 Bucaramanga
+57 607 6577755 - +57 3188269884