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International Media Festival for Prevention 2023 – Sydney, Australia

IMFP Special Media Session – Award Ceremony
Tuesday, 28 November 2023 from 18:30 to 19:30
Darling Harbour Theater, ICC Sydney

The six winners of this year’s International Media Festival for Prevention, as selected by an international jury, will be announced during this exciting awards ceremony. You can have a look at the 18 nominees here.

IMFP Cinema
28 - 30 November 2023 from 9:00 to 15:00
Room C3.6, 3rd floor, ICC Sydney

All shortlisted, nominated and winning productions will be presented to delegates in the Festival Cinema, which runs throughout the World Congress. So let yourself be carried away by the smell of freshly baked popcorn and visit us at the cinema, where our jury members will present these outstanding productions.

IMFP Cinema Programme
Tuesday, 28th November 2023

09:15 - 10:30: IMFP 2023 Award Nominees, Moderator: Peter Rimmer

10:30 Tea Break

11:00 - 12:30: IMFP 2023 Award Nominees, Moderator: Mei-Li Lin

12:30 Lunch Break

13:30 - 15:00: IMFP 2023 Award Nominees, Moderator: Donna Van Bogaert

15:00 End Tuesday's cinema programme


IMFP Cinema Programme
Wednesday, 29th November 2023

09:00 - 10:30: IMFP 2023 Award Winners, Moderators: Peter Rimmer and Donna Van Bogaert

10:30 Tea Break

11:00 - 12:15: Vision Zero, Leadership and Responsibility, Moderator: Alexandra Gendre

12:15 Lunch Break

13:15 - 15:00: Logging/Tree Falling, Catering, The Hidden Killers, Moderator: Elizabeth Nkumbulat

15:00 Tea Break

15:30 - 16:00: The Napo Story – 25 years of animation, Presenters: Alexandra Gendre and Peter Rimmer

16:00 End Wednesday's cinema programme


IMFP Cinema Programme
Thursday, 30th November 2023

09:00 - 10:30: Introduction to multimedia entries by Donna Van Bogaert

Cracking Cultures - Part 1, Moderator: Sandie Brown
Cracking Cultures - Part 2,
Moderator: Sabine Herbst
Leveraging New Media - Part 1,
Moderator: Betty Neyreyegona
Leveraging New Media - Part 2,
Moderator: Veronique De Broeck

10:30 Tea Break

11:00 - 12:30: Occupational Health at Work, Moderator: Brooke Newstead

12:30 Lunch Break

13:30 - 15:00: Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs), Safe driving, Construction, Moderator: Yuka Ujita

15:00 End Thursday's cinema programme

Find the complete Cinema Programme here.

The International Media Festival for Prevention 2023

Since 1990, the International Media Festival for Prevention (IMFP) has taken place every three years in the framework of the World Congress for Safety and Health at Work. The Media Festival offers an overview of films and multimedia productions about safety and health at work from all over the world and provides an opportunity for participants to present their media products to a major group of influential international safety and health professionals.

All films and multimedia productions, e.g. music videos, websites, apps, web based training, social media and software are admitted. Submissions can be made by national and international organisations, by enterprises or institutions as well as by agencies or filmmakers. We accept all media on safety and health at work produced from January 2019.

An international Jury will meet and will select all shortlisted and winning productions. The awards will be made in the presence of a large audience in the Special Media Session at the World Congress.

All shortlisted and winning productions will be presented to delegates in the Festival Cinema, which runs throughout the Congress.

Being part of the Media Festival also offers participants the opportunity to see how occupational safety and health is presented in different countries and by different cultures. It provides a unique opportunity to engage with and gain valuable insights from others around the world who share a passion for preventing workplace injuries and illnesses and are committed to improving the lives of workers everywhere.

Do not miss the chance to be part of the International Media Festival for Prevention 2023! The Festival will take place in the framework of the XXIII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2023 from 27-30 November 2023 in Sydney, Australia.

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for updates: @imfp2023

For further information on the XXIII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2023 please check out the congress website: www.safety2023sydney.com


23rd World Congress on Safety and Health at Work

The world is changing and so is the world of work. That’s why the motto for the 23rd World Congress on Safety and Health at Work is ‘shaping change’ to create safer work for all.

From 27-30 November 2023, you’ll hear from keynote speakers, attend technical sessions and symposia on a variety of topics– from emerging technology to mental health- and learn more about media in prevention during the International Media Festival for Prevention. Together, we will identify both risks and opportunities for the future of work.

With over 4,000 delegates from more than 120 countries, the World Congress provides a unique opportunity to network with international industry leaders, experts and decision makers.

Join one of the largest international forums on occupational health and safety and explore what Sydney, Australia has to offer.

For more details, subscribe to the newsletter: https://www.safety2023sydney.com/

Register now: https://www.safety2023sydney.com/register