IMFP 2023 Jury

Jury presidents:

Donna Van Bogaert

Formerly of The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

IMFP Jury President since 2016

I've been honored to work with the exceptional communication professionals on the jury as well as Peter Rimmer, Sven Timm, and the IMFP Staff. The experience reminds me that we live in a world of possibility but that we all do not have equal access. The Canadian festival of 2021 showed us all the power of will and creativity in moving communication forward.

Peter Rimmer

PR Associates
United Kingdom

IMFP Jury Member since 1996 (Madrid) and IMFP Jury President since 1999

My background is in communications – words and pictures – with the last 17 years of my career as Communications Director at the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

I am a co-founder of the Napo series of animated films, and former jury member of the DOK Leipzig Film Festival.

Jury members:

Stefan Boltz

German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV)

IMFP Jury Member since 2023

Watching the films submitted for the IMFP was informative, at times moving, at times funny, but always inspiring. This is why, to me, being a member of the IMFP jury, is a real treat.

Sandie Brown

Previously HSE
United Kingdom

IMFP Jury Member since 2011

I offer my time as an IMFP juror because I love the variety and rich mix of cultures of both the competition entries and the jurors themselves! There‘s a buzz!

Innovation is key but simplicity rules!

Alfred Brzozowski

Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB)

IMFP Jury Member since 2005

The motivation for participating in the work of the Jury is undoubtedly the opportunity to learn about different approaches to work safety issues in different parts of the world and to disseminate this knowledge.

Sarah Copsey

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) since 1998

IMFP Jury Member since 2011

Multimedia makes OSH tools awareness-raising and skills development effective, accessible and fun.

Veronique De Broeck

IMFP Jury Member since 1999

Former Secretary general of the ISSA Information section and coordinator of the multimedia part of the IMFP. Strong believer in the power of multimedia to get the OSH message across. Multimedia learning enhances problem-solving ability.

Jos de Lange

The Netherlands

IMFP Jury Member since 2002 Vienna

Jos aims to make impact to society by connecting people and knowledge within the international field of occupational safety and health.

Media helps convey knowledge. As an IMFP Jury Member, I get inspired by the many innovative entries from all over the world.

Julio Franzani

Safety and Health Manager in Aceros AZA S.A.

IMFP Jury Member since 2010

I love using media for prevention and how they transmit messages to various audiences, increasing awareness and adherence to actions that improve life and health care, allowing sharing practices and conversation, among many other benefits.

Charles Gagné

Via Prévention

IMFP Jury Member since 2017

Since my involvement as a juror of the IMFP I’m always amazed to see the innovative approaches developed to advance prevention, regardless of the culture!

Whatever the message, adapting the strategy to your audience is the important thing.

Alexandra Gendre


IMFP Jury Member since 2010

What I appreciate in this festival is the expression of cultures of prevention through international films on work with strong, humoristic or emotional filmmaking choices. They document the reality of work. This experience opens me up and upsets my gaze, my eye, my approach to prevention.

Sabine Herbst

German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV)

IMFP Jury Member since 2014 Frankfurt
Actively involved in WCs since 2011 (Istanbul),
General Secretary of ISSA Information Section

Media inspire, inform, motivate, connect people, touch our hearts, sometimes make us cry and make us act. I am always impressed by the contributions to the IMFP!

Patricia Hernandez

Johns Hopkins University

IMFP Jury Member since 2023

I had such a fantastic first year exprience as a Jury Member, as the people I worked with were exceptional and the multi – media submissions were phenomenal.

Mei-Li Lin


IMFP Jury Member since 2005

It has been a pleasure to serve on the IMFP. I have enjoyed the exchanges among the jury members - the global reach, the diverse perspectives, and the shared goals. The film contributors are the driving force of our work, I so appreciate the thoughts and efforts they put in to promote prevention.

Louise Logan


IMFP Jury Member since 2017

It has been a pleasure and privilege to be on the IMPF jury, first for the World Congress hosted by Canada, and now the Congress hosted by Australia.

The quality of the media I have viewed is outstanding, and the global perspectives are inspiring.

Brooke Newstead

Manager, Regulatory Education, SafeWork NSW

IMFP Jury Member since 2023
IMFP finalist in 2021

Having worked in workplace safety and regulatory communications for the past 15 years, it’s been an absolute honour to be part of the IMFP Jury. Every person should return home safely from work each day, and this festival plays a powerful role on a global scale in raising awareness about prevention.

Elizabeth Nkumbula

ENVIS Consulting Limited

IMFP Jury Member since 2020

My experience in the IMFP Jury has been very educative. The films submitted are very inspring. It has been incredibly fulfilling. The opportunity to learn new things motivated me to be part of the IMFP Jury.

Dr Betty Isabel Nyereyegona

National Social Security Authority

IMFP Jury Member since 2020 (Toronto)

IMFP Jury work has been empowering on a personal level . It is always a great opportunity to learn from the many innovations from across the globe. Adaptation at local level has changed the way we use media for OSH culture change.

Betty is a strong OSH advocate with a special interest in marginalised and vulnerable workers in the informal economy. A true believer of not leaving anyone behind.

Richard Reichhart


IMFP Jury Member since 2016

As a trained photographer working in the field of prevention, it is extremely interesting and a great pleasure for me to see the different, great and creative ideas submitted from all over the world to raise awareness of OSH.

Elke Schneider

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)
Spain since 2002

IMFP Jury Member since 2011

It is rewarding to see the different examples from all over the world. Audiovisual tools are a good means to communicate OSH and the creativity and diversity is amazing.

Andrew Smith

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)

IMFP Jury Member since 2008

Film can play a powerful role in shaping a prevention culture. And it is a privilege to work with jury colleagues from around the world as we recognise and reward the most effective, creative and inspiring OSH films.

Yuka Ujita

International Labour Organization

IMFP Jury Member since 2017

The IMFP Jury work is filled with the fun – innovative ideas, new knowledge, state-of-the-art technologies, visual and sound impacts, highly technical discussions, on top of that, strong motivation for prevention.

Siew Liang Yeo

Workplace Safety and Health Council

IMFP Jury Member since 2014

Being a jury member for the media festival allows me to see the good communications work done by organisations across many countries using media to educate and entertain workers with the common goal to prevent workplace injuries and fatalities.

Holger Zingsheim


IMFP Jury Member since 2017

I have been accompanying the festival in various roles for 25 years now and I am always amazed at the creativity of filmmakers from all over the world.