A Social Experiment: Do people look out for their co-workers?

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A Social Experiment: Do people look out for their co-workers?

Película: Duración en minutos

1.05 minutos

Descripción del producto

This year’s National WSH Campaign calls upon workers to show care by looking out for the safety of their peers and co-workers in the workplace. To find out how workers respond to unsafe acts, we went undercover and conducted a social experiment, with the support of a few companies! Watch the full video to see how people reacted in various situations.

Objetivos y metas

This year’s National WSH Campaign calls upon workers to show care by looking out for the safety of their peers and co-workers in the workplace. To find out how workers respond to unsafe acts, we went undercover and conducted a social experiment, with the support of a few companies! Watch the full video to see how people reacted in various situations.

Público objetivo


Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora

Workplace Safety and Health Council
1500 Bendemeer Road - 14-01 , Singapore-339946 Singapore
+6566924995 - +6596462265 http://wshc.sg