
Título traducido al inglés


Película: Duración en minutos

approx. 15 minutos

Descripción del producto

Three friends work in the same company. They experience situations familiar to everyone – whether a personal or professional capacity. In their leisure time, open dialogue with each other goes without saying. Criticism is made openly and accepted, in total contrast to everyday working life. There things seem to be regarded more distantly. Why is this?

Objetivos y metas

We can only maintain and develop the positive development of the key injury figures at HKM if everyone joins in. The film is a contribution towards increasing awareness of unsafe conditions und unsafe behaviour in the whole working environment.

It is not only the awareness of individual actions but also mutual respect that plays a key role here. The film addresses the tension between personal and occupational conduct and raises questions.

Público objetivo


Datos de contacto del editor

Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann
Ehinger Straße227, Germany-47259 Duisburg

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

a.r.t - film & medienproduktion GmbH
Nachtigallenweg7, Germany-47441 Moers