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Hälsofrämjande ledarskap

Título traducido al inglés

Health Promotion Leadership

Enlace del producto (http:// o https://)

Descripción del producto

The web tool Hälsofrämjande ledarskap (health promotion leadership) is an information initiative developed by the Swedish non-profit work environment organisation Prevent.

The web tool is free of cost and aimed at those who are curious of and want to get started with health promotion leadership. It is aimed primarily at managers or those who work in HR in small or medium sized organisations.

The web tool is divided into six areas for health promotion leadership. Within each area there is a short presentation film as well as solid advice and methods to work with. The idea is to go into areas that are relevant, find suggestions for working methods and to then use them in the workplace. The web tool can be likened to a toolbox, to be used when needed.

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Objetivos y metas

Health promotion leadership - Become a better manager. Boost what is already good and you will have a healthier and more efficient workplace. Learn how!

Health promotion focuses on enabling. To see health promotion leadership as part of a business strategy to create a successful business means working actively to promote and reinforce things that work well in an organisation.

Prevent together with the parties of the Swedish labour market have created a web tool to inspire, support and facilitate working with health promotion at work. Inspiration and facts are largely drawn from books and studies in the field.

The objective of the web tool is to inspire, increase knowledge about and offer concrete suggestions on methods to use in the workplace for a health promotion leadership in Sweden. And, by extension, to create successful companies with workplaces where people are healthy.

Público objetivo

Managers or those who work with in HR in small or medium sized organisations

Premios recibidos


Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora

Box 20133, Sweden-104 60 Sweden
+46 8 402 02 63 - +46 702082935