Mission Possible – A Squirrel's Tale

Título traducido al inglés

Mission Possible – A Squirrel's Tale

Película: Duración en minutos

Main Film: 9.5 Mins. Short Summary: 3.3 Mins. minutos

Descripción del producto

Grey Squirrels are one of the most successful species on earth thriving wherever they choose to live. They do this despite having a solitary nature meaning that they have developed a unique lone/independent worker system of work that we humans can learn a great deal from. A squirrel and a cunningly challenging assault course highlight the lessons we can learn.

Objetivos y metas

We all have the responsibility to look after our own well-being at work even when we regularly face unfamiliar work environments. The product aims to entertain and engage workers to adopt a regular dynamic risk assessment safe approach.

We chose film as we feel that it remains the best way to tell an engaging memorable story that brings safety to life.

Público objetivo

Lone/Independent workers in all sectors

Datos de contacto del editor

Lattitude Productions Ltd
Rushlake GreenPO Box 185, United Kingdom-TN21 1AR East Sussex
44(0) 143583150044(0)1435830193 www.lattitudeproductions.co.uk

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

Lattitude Productions Ltd
HeathfieldPO Box 185 - Rushlake Green , United Kingdom-TN21 1AR East Sussex
+44(0) 1435831500+44(0) 1435830193 www.lattitudeproductions.co.uk