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Är du säker?

Título traducido al inglés

Stay safe on the farm

Película: Duración en minutos

2:59 minutos

Enlace del producto (http:// o https://)

Descripción del producto

A music video on health and safety in agriculture. Large animals, heavy machinery, long days working alone, often with your home and family close to your workplace. Farmers work in perhaps Sweden’s best, but also most accident-prone profession. So we encourage farmers to ask themselves: Are you safe?

Objetivos y metas

Be sure to stay safe on the farm. Most farming accidents involve equipment or animals. With this music video, we want farmers and farm employees to think twice about their safety and to take the online course Stay safe on the farm. The course is about agricultural health and safety and discusses simple steps that can help boost risk awareness and prevent accidents by systematically improving health and safety measures

Público destinatario

Supervisores y gerentes, Otros (por favor especifique) : Self-empoloyed farmers, supervisors, safety representatives and employees


Campaign for a safer working environment in agriculture.

Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora

Box 20133, Sweden-104 60 Stockholm
+4684020253 - +46702621953