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Le Belle Storie - Ivana Giancamilli

Título traducido al inglés

Beautiful stories - Ivana Giancamilli

Película: Duración en minutos

2:27 minutos

Enlace del producto (http:// o https://)

Descripción del producto

Ivana Giancamilli lives in Corinaldo, in the province of Ancona. His work is in the family farm, driving his tractor, an activity carried on with great passion. Over time, however, some pathologies occur in the back and Ivana must undergo surgery. Inail recognizes her an occupational disease, carrying out with her a personalised reintegration project to continue working in a safe way. Inail gives her a new vehicle that attenuates the vibrations on her back and Ivana restarts driving her tractor.

Objetivos y metas

The aim is to inform workers and employers of the support measures set up by the Institute to ensure that workers, who have suffered an accident or an occupational disease, continue to work or are entering a new job, through personalised work reintegration projects. The initiative also aims to highlight the convenience of access to these measures for employers, who can proceed to the adaptation of workplaces or activate professional retraining processes.

Público destinatario

Pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), Especialistas en SST

Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora

+39 06 54875608