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Título traducido al inglés

Online game: Parking trucks safely: from stopping to getting off

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Descripción del producto

The puzzle game encourages drivers to become aware of the processes from stopping the vehicle to getting out and raises awareness of the specific hazardous situation involved.

Objetivos y metas

Seven panels illustrate the steps to be taken when parking a vehicle and getting out. The aim of the game is to put the panels in the right order. It is particularly important that the application of the parking brake is recognized as an absolutely necessary first step. If the sequence is incorrectly chosen, brief information explains the potential danger of the respective step.

Público destinatario

Trabajadores jóvenes, Pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), Supervisores y gerentes, Especialistas en SST

Datos de contacto del editor

BG Verkehr
Ottenser Hauptstr. 54, Germany-22765 Hamburg
+494039802200 - +4915129707425

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

Patrick Strietzel
Sandkamp 40, Deutschland-22111 Hamburg