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Tous acteurs de notre sécurité

Título traducido al inglés

We are all safety actors

Película: Duración en minutos

1'30'' minutos

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Descripción del producto

The amount of accidents, reported injuries and near misses in the workplace often go unnoticed. Many people assume such incidents only happen to other people... yet, nearly 700,000 work-related accidents are recorded each year... As part of its CSR (Certificate Signing Request) approach and commitment to employee protection, the Lariviere group sought to make a memorable impact. In collaboration with Pauline Déroulède, a road accident victim, wheelchair tennis champion and safety ambassador for the company, Sequens produced a film aimed at preventing work-related risks. Never take risks in the workplace.

Objetivos y metas

Helping raise employee awareness and reducing the number of work-related accidents

Público destinatario

Trabajadores jóvenes, Supervisores y gerentes, Otros (por favor especifique) : salariés et interimaires

Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora

2, Rue Marie Curie, France-44120 VERTOU