Educational Fire Safety Empowerment Initiative

Titre traduit en anglais

Educational Fire Safety Empowerment Initiative

Film: Durée en minutes

2.28 minutes

Description du produit

Fire and Burn are among the top leading causes of injury in Malaysia and globally after traffic and drowning injuries among the list of unintentional injuries. Fire and Burn when it happens, it effects large number of people from all age group whether children or adult as well as whether they are occupational workers or not. Thus there is a need to address this issue of Fire and Burn which can benefit the entire population. Even any intervention tailor made for any niche group example children will be equally benefited by the adult group who are occupational workers. The innovative idea of this Fire and Burn prevention initiative is where it is prepared for the home targeting primarily for children and spilling over to their family members at home who some are occupational workers as well as reaching out to the school environment and community at large. This initiative involves active participation from the children parents to provide a safe home environment for all family members including themselves as occupational workers. Thus this initiative is not only a public health initiative in general but also an Occupational Safety and Health initiative specifically.  The educational initiative in delivered through small classroom set up in order to obtain maximum impact from the teaching and learning approach. In addition to the classroom session, the students are being also exposed to the practical sessions carried out by the program partner – Fire and Rescue Department. Thus the classroom fire and Burn safety messages are reemphasised through the practical sessions from the Fire and Rescue Department. Plus the interactive sessions between the children and parents at home gets the educational messages multiplied further to the children immediate family members.

Objectif et finalité

There are few main safety messages crossed over to the target group (School Community – Children, Teachers, Staffs, Parents and Fire and rescue personals) of this safety initiative. They are:

1. Transferring the knowledge to the School Community – Children, Teachers, Staffs and Parents on the risk of fire and burn at our home and surrounding

2. Transferring the knowledge to the School Community – Children, Teachers, Staffs and Parents on what need to be done to prevent a fire

3. Transferring the knowledge to the School Community – Children, Teachers, Staffs and Parents on what need to be done in an event of fire or burn

4. Transferring the knowledge to the School Community – Children, Teachers, Staffs and Parents on the importance of jointly developing an exclusive fire escape plan for our respective homes.

5. Transferring the knowledge to the Fire and Rescue personal on managing burn incidents

In Malaysia and most low and middle income country, fire and burn injuries are huge burden as we carry the injury for lifelong. However not many prevention programs are being put in place compared to control and treatment measures when the event takes place. On that ground, to close the gap, we the academic institution in partnership with our local government institution (Fire and Rescue Department), international partner (Safe Kids Worldwide USA) and industry partner (Honeywell) synergize together in developing and delivering the first ever large scale Fire and Burn Prevention Educational Initiative for the school community targeting primarily school children, teachers, staffs and largely parents and their immediate family members. This evaluation was evaluated based on the knowledge outcome before and after intervention and it showed children knowledge on fire and burn prevention increased after the intervention. Also the other outcome measurement was there was more individual homes with a Fire Escape Plan after the intervention and finally reported fire incidents in the intervened community was lower than before the intervention based on secondary data from the local Fire and Rescue Department offices as well as reported school absenteeism from fire and burn among the school children was lower based on secondary data from the school attendance.     

Public cible

School Community – Children, Teachers, Staffs, Parents and Fire and Rescue personals

Prix gagnés

None yet

Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production

Safe Kids Malaysia Universiti Putra Malaysia
Department of Community Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences - Universiti Putra Malaysia , Malaysia-43400 Serdang, Selangor
60397692398 - 6013382200060389450151