Titre traduit en anglais

Healthy hands

Film: Durée en minutes

04:52 minutes

Description du produit

The film - almost exclusively accompanied by pictures and sounds- is aimed at demonstrating the need to protect the hands and at the prevention of hand injuries. After a period of developing awareness other scenes generate emotional concern, which then transforms into positive stimulus that hands must be protected. Highest motivation to protect the extremities can be expected.

Objectif et finalité

Raise consciousness for the wonderful properties and capabilities of healthy hands.

The background of the film is to show the properties and capabilities of healthy hands and the restrictions caused by disabled hands. The medium of films allows impressive images and the topic can be understood independently of language. The scenes call forth consciousness, emotions and motivation.

Public cible

Those responsible in occupational health and safety for instructional purposes and for other interested parties

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Institut für Schulung und Medienentwicklung Input
Kaiserstraße80, Germany-44135 Dortmund
49(0)2315844920 www.institut-input.de

Coordonnées de la société de production

Institut für Schulung und Medienentwicklung Input
Kaiserstraße80 - Reinhard Lenz , Germany-44135 Dortmund
+49(0)2315844920 www.institut-input.de