HSE Induction Video

Titre traduit en anglais

HSE Induction Video

Film: Durée en minutes

06:23 minutes

Description du produit

Various hazards in a construciton site and Essar Safety Beliefs.

Objectif et finalité

Awareness of Hazards and the implemention of control measures is the key to accident prevention.

Audio visuals are a very effective and efficient medium for engaging the contractual workforce as it is well known fact that "A picture is worth a thousand words". Earlier HSE induction used to be carried out verbally which did not reach the contractual workforce and hence number of unsafe acts and conditions existed at the worksite.

Public cible

The animation video is used to train and educate the contractual workforce before deploying them at sites. This video emphasizes on the various hazards a contractual workman may encounter when he comes to the construction site.

Prix gagnés

Internationl Safety Media Award, Alaska

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Essar Projects India Limited
, India-400070 Mumbai
+912267335000 www.essar.com

Coordonnées de la société de production

Essar Projects India Limited
, India-400070 Mumbai
+9122 67335000 www.essar.com