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Titre traduit en anglais

Work matters

Film: Durée en minutes


Description du produit

The “Jobbsnackisar” series of short videos is an information initiative developed by the Swedish non-profit work environment organisation Prevent. The videos (barely 2 minutes long) are about subjects such as the importance of recovery, our biological rhythm, the difference between wishes or goals, to do your best, and focussing on your wishes.

In “Jobbsnackisar”, stress and work environment scientist at Karolinska Institutet and the Mayo Clinic in the USA Dan Hasson, provides easy facts about an important topic under the heading “Dan explains”. There are also short animation videos for each of the different “Jobbsnackisar”,which aim to create curiosity and interest in the subject.

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Objectif et finalité

Use ”Jobbsnackisar” to start a conversation about work enviroment at your workplace. “Jobbsnackisar” are short videos on various topics. Watch together and talk about how you feel about it. The videos can be used as chat starters!

A stress muscle, is there really one? And how do you train it? Watch the animated video “Jobbsnackis” (yes, you have time – it’s only 30 seconds!) and talk about it over coffee. And then watch “Dan explains”, the video with scientist Dan Hasson’s educational explanation.

Prevent identified a need to easily present facts and research on important work enviroment issues. By producing videos we wished to create support for starting conversations in the workplace.

Public cible

Employers och employees

Prix gagnés

The Swedish Publishing Prize (juried contest for film, print and web) Category Training video/Instructional video

Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production

Box 20133, Sweden-104 60 Sweden
+46 8 402 02 63 - +46 702082935