Safety starts @ home

Titre traduit en anglais

Safety starts @ home

Film: Durée en minutes

3 minutes

Description du produit

To promote our Safety Golden Rules as a normal practice both at work and at home, 10 videoclip have been created showing how each Rule is applied in a tangible way in many situations arising from our everyday lives, in situations where we feel more confident and safe. In each videoclip, starting from an unsafe scenario, as a “rewind” the tape goes back and shows the correct behavior applying the proper Safety Golden Rule. The videoclips have been entirely realized and developed by Eni internal resources in order to reach also an emotional engagement of the viewers. The video presented is the editing of two of the ten videoclips published in 2018 as part of the campaign.

Objectif et finalité

Safety culture must always be with us: this is the aim of “Safety starts @ home”, the campaign created to enhance workers awareness on Safety Golden Rules. The purpose is to promote safety culture @360°, not only in the workplace but also in our daily habits, and to sensitize correct and safe behaviour both on our Sites and in our lives. With this campaign Eni wants to remind everyone that safety of its people is not only a priority but a fundamental value that must become part of our life. The ten videoclips are aimed at everyone who works in and for Eni around the world, whether employees, contractors or subcontractors, and at whatever level and role. In 2018 the campaign has been spread widely in all Eni operating Companies around the world both through our intranet and other communication means (e.g. video pannels and memory sticks). Dedicated events and awareness raising meetings have also been organized with the participation of employees, contractors and stakeholders in general, in order to promote and discuss the videos, reaching the emotional sphere of the viewers by a cross-reference with their own private life.

Safety has always played a central role in Eni: this is evident in the 10 Safety Golden Rules, which represent the right modus operandi of anyone working within Eni sites anywhere in the world. "Safety starts @ home" campaign born from Eni purpose to increase initiatives to raise safety awareness and from the intention that our Safety Golden Rules become a normal practice for each one of us.

Public cible

Everyone who works in and for Eni around the world, whether employees, contractors or subcontractors, and at whatever level and role.


Eni Campaign

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Eni S.p.A.
Piazza Marcello Boldrini, 1, Italy-20097 San Donato Milanese (Milan)

Coordonnées de la société de production

Eni S.p.A.
Piazza Marcello Boldrini, 1, it-20097 San Donato Milanese (Milan)