SESI Mostra Industria – Extremidades

Titre traduit en anglais


Film: Durée en minutes

16 minutes

Description du produit

A video of industry officials of Tyssemkrup in Santa Luzia, which shows the importance of hands and fingers for your daily work, in your personal life and for task-specific activities which could damage them. Even with all the attention and safety procedures, external factors can interfere directly and cause work accidents. The actors, lighting, script and camera are the workers themselves.

Objectif et finalité

A video of the industry officials of Tyssemkrup in Santa Luzia, which shows the importance of hands and fingers for your daily work and in your personal life. And it shows dangerous activities that are a risk to workers´ physical integrity. Even with all the attention and safety procedures, external factors may cause accidents at work.The actors, lighting, script and camera are the workers themselves.

Hand injuries in industry were the decisive factors for this film that shall raise the awareness of employees about the importance of personal protection.

Public cible

Health and safety professionals, in particular employees with risk of hand injuries

Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production

Avenida Contorno 4456, Brazil-30110028 Belo Horizonte