
Titre traduit en anglais

Security instruction

Film: Durée en minutes

1:16 minutes

Description du produit

The company Lorel wants every staff member to watch the film, for the protection of every one and to learn which safety precautions must be taken.

Lorel GmbH is a logistics service provider for Mercedes Benz. For the safety instruction of their employees, who have different mother tongue languages, fact + film developed a film without language.

Public cible

Staff of logistics company

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

fact+film Medienproduktions GmbH
Hastedter Osterdeich222, Germany-28207 Bremen

Coordonnées de la société de production

fact+film Medienproduktions GmbH
Hastedter Osterdeich 222, Germany-28207 Bremen