The Diary

Titre traduit en anglais

The Diary

Film: Durée en minutes

film(1) 22:31 / film(2) 13:53 / film(3) 4:36 minutes

Description du produit

The Diary is the sequel to Hindsight - The Ken Woodward Story (which details the devastating accident leaving Ken blind). Sue, Ken's wife, recently rediscovered a diary she had kept which documented that tragic period following the accident. It highlights the pain and suffering that Ken and Sue endure even to this day and that the psychological impact of the accident remains.

Objectif et finalité

To highlight that the consequences of an accident may last the rest of your life To emphasise that risks that you take may end up traumatising you or your loved ones To underline that mental injuries are just as damaging as the physical ones and last much longer To highlight that taking a few moments every day to think about safety can save you a lifetime of pain

The Diary was produced to document the tragic period following Ken's accident and shows that even 20 years after an accident emotions are still raw and that the pain of the accident can live with you every day.

Public cible

All employees and management throughout all industries worldwide

Prix gagnés

First prize at the World Congress on Safety and Health at work 2011: Film "Giants of Leadership - The Nature of Safety"

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Lattitude Productions Ltd
, United Kingdom-TN21 1AR Rushlake Green, East Sussex

Coordonnées de la société de production

Lattitude Productions Ltd
- PO Box 185 , United Kingdom-TN21 1AR East Sussex