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Know Your Rights

Titre traduit en anglais

Know Your Rights

Film: Durée en minutes

1min 25s minutes

URL du produit que vous souhaitez soumettre (http:// or https://)

Description du produit

Know your rights is a campaign that increases awareness regarding an employees’ three rights in the workplace. The campaign was targeted to high-risk workers and industries. Workers in precarious employment are more likely to be injured at work. By improving awareness and understanding of basic health and safety responsibilities, our goal is to help reduce injuries in Saskatchewan workplaces.

Objectif et finalité

Know your rights is a campaign that increases awareness regarding an employees’ three rights in the workplace. The campaign was targeted to high-risk workers and industries. Workers in precarious employment are more likely to be injured at work. By improving awareness and understanding of basic health and safety responsibilities, our goal is to help reduce injuries in Saskatchewan workplaces.

Public cible

Jeunes travailleurs


Know Your Rights

Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production

Saskatchewan Worker's Compensation Board
200-1881 Scarth St, Canada-S4P4L1 Regina