
Titre traduit en anglais

“Stay Vigilant on Safety at Work”

Film: Durée en minutes

1 min 40 sec minutes

Description du produit

The short film series highlighted construction safety tips for different high risk operations including lifting operation, scaffolding, work-at-height, floor openings and electrical work. There are 5 episodes in total, with each delivering one key safety tip: 1. Lifting Operation Safety 2. Scaffolding Safety 3. Work-at-Height Safety 4. Covering up or Fencing off Floor Openings preventing falls 5. Electrical Work Safety

Objectif et finalité

Construction industry is one of the main pillars of Hong Kong’s economy, employing over 160,000 workers (nearly 4% of the working population). This sector is considered to be one of the high risk industries. Its accident rate and the number of fatal accident have been improving over time but it still remain the highest amongst all industries in Hong Kong. This short film series is part of OSHC’s initiatives to promote work safety for the construction industry. It involved 5 high-risk working activities/areas, namely lifting operation, scaffolding, work-at-height, floor openings and electrical work. We hope to remind our audiences to follow the crucial safety measures when working at the construction site. The short film debuted in 2021 on Hong Kong’s top television station, YouTube as well as Facebook. The video campaign reached over 4.1 million people.

Public cible

Autres (veuillez préciser) : Territory-wide community in Hong Kong

Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production

Occupational Safety and Health Council
19/F, China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, Hong Kong - (North Point MTR Station Exit A4) , Hongkong-000000 Hong Kong
+85221165672 - +85261703087 https://www.oshc.org.hk/eng/main/